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MLRCA Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes Points:

Sweepstakes points are awarded based on the placements of the top five (5) animals in each class, Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex of Breed.  Sweepstakes points are to be awarded as follows:


Best of Breed                      1 points times the total Mini Lops exhibited

Best Opposite of Breed        1/2 points times the total Mini Lops exhibited

1st Place                             6 points times the number in the class

2nd place                            4 points times the number in the class

3rd place                             3 points times the number in the class

4th place                             2 points times the number in the class

5th place                             1 point times the number in the class

Best in Show                       500 points (regardless of the number of rabbits in the breed, but it must be an

                                           all breed show)


Sweepstakes are accumulated for the period from June 1st - May 31st of the next year.  An updated standing is included on this website. 


Herdsman Contest:

Points to be awarded as follows:  (Open and Youth) 1 point for each different Mini Lop winning Best or Best Opp. of Breed.  The contest indicates how many different Mini Lops a breeder has won with for the sweepstakes year.  The winner of he Herdsman contest will receive a plaque.


Top Lop Contest:

Points to be awarded as per the following guidelines: Top Lop points belong to the rabbit and are to be transferred with the rabbit if it is sold assuming both owners are MLRCA members.  However, Top Lop points earned by the rabbit will stay with the specific to the sweepstakes division they are won/earned in.  Top Lop points earned by the rabbit in Open competition will be kept specific to Open Sweepstakes and the Top Lop points earned by the rabbit in Youth Competition will be kept specific to the Youth Sweepstakes.  The Top Lop points earned cannot be combined or transferred to a different division other than the division they are won/earned in.  When an animal in the Top Lop standings is sold, the new owner must notify the sweepstakes chairperson in writing which includes the previous owner's signature.


Top Lop Points to be awarded as follows: Open and Youth)

Best of Breed                      2 points X the number of Mini Lops shown

Best Opp. of Breed               1 point X the number of Mini Lops shown


(The double point rule for ARBA Convention and National Show does not apply to the Top Lop Contest.) 

The Top 10 Lops will be featured and pictured in on this website.


District Breeder of the Year:

District Breeder of the Year to be awarded as per the following guidelines: (Open and Youth)

Best in Show                       4 points

Best Reserve/4 Class            3 points (only if Best In Show is not won)

Best of Breed                      2 points

Best Opp. of Breed               1 point


If Best In Show is won you will not accumulate the 3 points for Best Reserve/4 Class, only the 4 points for Best in Show.  Awards will be given to the winner of each District.



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